Studies in Terminator Stout


This is the Stout that all other stouts aspire to be - you can find it at McMenamin’s if you’re lucky enough to live in Oregon. This post documents my journey to paint it live at the bar.

My first attempt at something like painting en plein air. I spent most of the time trying to figure out how to get a the right color for the stout and it ended up looking like rootbeer despite my efforts. Ha!


This time I wanted the Terminator to be simultaneously dark enough and still feel translucent. But how?!? A random color choice worked out well for me and it doesn’t look so much like soda this time. I also wanted to get more of a scene going, but Dad has limited patience when waiting to drink his Terminator, so it all ended up very slap-dash.


I have finally discovered layering all by myself - I am unabashedly basking in my self-adulations over this! It turns out that (as everybody else has known all along) you can layer opposite colors to achieve a more neutral color. So, I have found that layering a deep purple and goldish yellow yields the beerish color I’ve been searching for. Now I just need to be able to sketch the rest of the scene without Dad bumping the table and ruining my lines :)

To be continued!


Apple Pie


The Uneatable Sandwich