In Which I Engage in Some Complete and Utter Nonsense

Exhibit A: The Baboons, The Four Objects Of My Heart’s Desire

Exhibit A: The Baboons, The Four Objects Of My Heart’s Desire

Exhibit B: Great Love inspires me to attempt a mini Kolomenskoye for The Objects Of My Delight.

Exhibit C: The Baboons inspect and admire their new home, and conclude that though it pales in comparison to other great palaces, it will do.

Exhibit D: The Baboons (Wasabi, Wasabi, Wasabi, and Wasabi) take up residence.

P.S. No, I have not been committed. I gave the Wasabis to some lovely little girls I know on Christmas.

P.P.S Then I went and bought myself 4 more Baboons, also all named Wasabi.


X-Mas Zine


Hershey’s & Coke (the end!)