Pi Lovers’ Thesaurus

À La Mode , Pi
SN the mathematical way of having ice-cream

Apple Pi USE Fruit Pi

Berry Pi
SN a group including black-, blue-, goose-, huckle-, logan-, marion-, rasp-, and strawberries, which must be multiplied to be used
NT Blackberry, Blueberry, Boysenberry, Gooseberry, Huckleberry, Loganberry, Marionberry, Raspberry, Strawberry, Strawberry Rhubarb Pi

Blackberry Pi USE Berry Pi

Blueberry Pi USE Berry Pi

Boysenberry Pi USE Berry Pi

Cherry Pi USE Fruit Pi

Chocolate Pi USE Meringue Pi

Christmas Pi UF Mincemeat Pi
SN composed of the right proportions of meat, dried fruit, spice, suet, and spirits (and Christmas spirit, too)
RT Meat Pi 

Coconut Cream Pi USE Meringue Pi

Cow Pi
SN the remainder after chewing the cud

Cream Pi
SN usually thrown in the face of numerical nitwits
RT Meringue Pi

Cutie Pi UF QT Pi
SN common misconstrual of mathematical speech; mathematicians rarely find numbers to be “cute”

Fruit Pi
SN a group including apples, cherries, peaches, and plums, which are commonly divided before use
NT Apple, Cherry, Peach, Plum Pi
RT Christmas Pi 

Gooseberry Pi USE Berry Pi 

Hole, Pi-
SN a pi-shaped void, the anatomical equivalent of a black hole

Honey Pi
SN the product of apian geometry

Huckleberry Pi USE Berry Pi

Humble Pi
SN the kind you eat when there is an awful flaw in what you thought you'd proved perfectly

Key Lime Pi USE Meringue Pi

Kidney Pi USE Meat Pi

Lemon Meringue Pi USE Meringue Pi

Loganberry Pi USE Berry Pi

Mag Pi
SN a number loving kind of bird

Marionberry Pi USE Blackberry Pi

Meat Pi
SN a group comprised of meat parts, which are added together (e.g. steak + kidney)
NT Mincemeat, Steak & Kidney Pi
RT Christmas Pi

Meringue Pi
SN the result achieved by carefully following a delicate order of operations
NT Chocolate, Coconut Cream, Key Lime, Lemon Meringue Pi
RT Cream Pi

Mincemeat PiUSE Meat Pi

Moon Pi
SN makes one contemplate things of great distance or magnitude, like the infinite decimals of pi

Mud Pi
SN pi for those who like to get their hands dirty with math

P-Can Pi
SN a popular pantry item for those worried about having no pi (or worse, negative pi)

Peach Pi USE Fruit Pi

Pecan Pi USE P-Can Pi

Pi in the sky USE Sky, Pi in the

Pied Piper USE Piper, Pi-d

SN the one you go to in a pinch for good number sense

Piper, Pi-d
SN a very elusive individual who has the rare ability to seduce others with math

Pizza Pi
SN an Italian variety involving the combination of various toppings in any number and order

Plum Pi USE Fruit Pi

Pot Pi
SN no mater the circumference, if a pot is circular it has a Pi in it

Pumpkin Pi
SN a holiday offering to give thanks for the discovery of the circumference divided by the diameter, among other things

QT Pi USE Cutie Pi

Raspberry Pi USE Berry Pi

Rhubarb Pi
SN a pi valued by sages in the ancient far east (like many other significant discoveries) for its medicinal qualities before becoming barbarized in the west
NT Strawberry Rhubarb Pi

Shepherd's Pi
SN pi which a shepherd is never without whether or not it helps to count the sheep

Shoe Fly Pi
SN one of Archimedes' lesser known inventions

Sky, pi in the
SN a pleasant but improbable possibility (for if wishes were pis we'd all be quite fat)

Steak & Kidney Pi USE Meat Pi

Strawberry Pi USE Berry Pi

Strawberry Rhubarb Pi USE Berry Pi, Rhubarb Pi

Sugar Pi USE Sweetie Pi

Sweetie Pi
SN a term of endearment used by math nerds
NT sugar

Whoopie Pi
SN the kind of pi that comes in the wrong place at the wrong time or at just the right time depending upon your perspective 


This thesaurus aims to define the preferred terms relating to the kinds of pi as well as their hierarchical arrangement. To that end it indicates the scope of each preferred term (SN = scope note, i.e. definition). Unpreferred synonyms are listed with a direction to the proper term (UF = use for, USE = use). For additional clarity, preferred (and illustrated) terms are boldified. Relationships between terms are listed as well (RT = related term, NT = marrower term, BT = broader term) to help navigation of this thesaurus.



